Merchant Taylors' Company

Livery Company website design and development and members area

The Worshipful Company of Merchant Taylors is one of the Great Twelve Livery Companies, ranked seventh in the order of precedence. The company approached Naked Creativity to design and develop a new website that showcases their links with education, fraternity and philanthropy.

Building on initial identity work completed by the Company, a contemporary yet traditional aesthetic was developed to compliment the history of the company and venue. The website aesthetic fits with the grandeur of Merchant Taylors’ Hall and the design also allows the Company to showcase their strong portfolio of images.

The website is fully managed in the Naked Creativity content management system, allowing the Merchant Taylors Company to have full control of the addition of content to the website. The site also uses the latest web-standards, to work responsively across mobile and desktop devices.

Merchant Taylors' Company website homepage - mobile

Naked Creativity also integrated a members’ area to the website which is powered by, the member administration system developed by Naked Creativity. The members’ area allows liverymen to log in, update their profile, search and view other members and book and pay for events.

Meanwhile, the extensive administration portal allows for full visibility and management of member profiles; events and bookings; donations and payments. is integrated with Stripe and GoCardless and fully SCA-compliant. GDPR settings also allow members to choose what details in their profile are public.

The Merchant Taylors' Company website on an iPad and iPhone - mobile
Merchant Taylors' Company Education website page  - mobile