The first stage of the project was developing a website for the sign up process. Naked’s team created a mobile-friendly website and application process that was simple to navigate for potential drivers, all from their phone or another device.
As part of the application process, Rive-it needed to run background checks to verify the identity of applicants. To support this, Naked’s team included a process where the applicant’s device could be used to capture a selfie of the driver, followed by photos of the front and back of the applicant’s driving licence. The system then extracted the text from the driving licence using Cloud based OCR software, and used Naked’s own text processing system to speed up the application for the driver, so they didn’t have to key in the information from their licence. As drivers made their way through the application, the site captured progress, so drivers could come back to a partial application if they were unable to complete it in one go.
The second stage of the project was to develop a mobile app for the Rive-it drivers, so they could be assigned jobs, accept jobs and then complete jobs. The app was developed using the Ionic framework which allows for a common codebase across iOS and Android, whilst also enabling native features, such as the camera, GPS and device orientation. Using Ionic, and the associated tools and services, reduced the development cost, streamlined deployments, and allowed for more rapid iteration of the app.
The app was designed for Rive-it drivers to follow a step-by-step process once a job was accepted, interacting with the app as they worked their way through each job. This means that each job is fully trackable, and with the use of GPS, the location of the driver can also be viewed in real time. The app is used to take photos of the exterior and interior of each car, highlighting any damage, as well as noting mileage and other items. As soon as a job is completed, a PDF document containing the images and data is immediately available for viewing by Rive-it admins or their client.
The app can be used for financial information too. Drivers can submit any expenses such as fuel, parking, or car cleaning, and view job history and payments that have been made to them.
The backend application was integrated with Stripe Connect, which is used to pay the drivers directly, while also managing the secure storage of bank details. Completed jobs can be paid out quickly, with a simple approval process from Rive-it.
An additional consideration for the process was the need for a driver to phone the pick-up or drop-off contact when working on a job. In order to maintain customer privacy, and at our suggestion, Naked integrated a web service from Twilio using short lived numbers. A driver can call the customer whilst on a job but then the number ceases to work shortly afterwards.